Student Accident Insurance

The Monterey Peninsula Unified School District DOES NOT carry medical or dental insurance for your child should they be inured on school premises while under school jurisdiction or through school-sponsored activities. For this reason, the district has approved a low-cost medical/dental plan for your consideration. Distribution of information regarding the plan has been authored by the California State Education Code.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: While participation in this program is voluntary, you should be aware that state law requires any student wishing to participate in inter-scholastic sports to have adequate medical insurance prior to being allowed to participate.

Please consider the benefits described in the brochure/application below. Enrolling your child in this low-cost program will ease your concerns in the future should an injury occur. To obtain coverage, simply complete the application, enclose a check or money order, and return the enrollment envelope as directed on the form. You will note that there is also an option using your MasterCard or VISTA if you prefer. Please retain the attached brochure for your records. The brochure outlines allowable benefits and claim procedures should your child sustain an injury. If you have any questions, please contact the plan administrator, Myers-Stevens & Company, Inc. at 1-800-827-4695.
